Not only is the tactic of attending Professional Associations useful in landing your next position, but ongoing membership and participation in Associations are keys to maintaining a pulse on your industry. Once you are hired and finalize the onboarding process–complete your due-diligence and suggest worthwhile Professional Associations–which you can belong to. Keep the 6 tips listed below in mind as you search for Associations.
1) If membership dues are ‘a cost’ that your employer will not pay, but they will allow you the time to attend, then I suggest you ask the Association if they need any Volunteers, Chairpersons, or Advisory Board Members. Often dues can be adjusted or waived in appreciations for your service and fulfilling these positions.
2) Keep in mind that as you do make a commitment to volunteer or serve in a role, that it is imperative that you fulfill the terms of your agreement. So, only agree to volunteer or serve if it is something that you WANT to do!
3) Be seen as a Leader to colleagues within your Industry as you make suggestions and contribute during the Association meetings and/or events.
4) As the company that you are now working with has hiring needs, keep the Association members in mind. This is often fertile ‘recruiting’ ground and you can make a perfect recommendation for a member to potentially join your company. You have already worked alongside them in some capacity and can vouch for their integrity and work ethic.
5) If nothing else, the person should be flattered that you thought enough of them to reach out and make them aware of an open position within the company where you work.
6) Make the most of your Association Membership by being active and present–as this is the only way you will derive any meaningful benefit from the investment of your time.
Stay tuned next week as we discuss “How to Avoid Scams While Finding Work–Part 1”